Has this ever happened to you: Your flowmeter delivery finally arrives and the expensive instruments have absolutely nothing to do with solving your particular flow measurement challenges? Or that other company’s rotameters don’t measure up to the promised quality? And your job is on hold until you find the correct way of sizing variable area flowmeters suitable for liquid or gas applications?
Well, if you do need accurate, repeatable, low-cost rotameters—delivered on time to keep you operating under budget—we are here to help. King Instrument Company has made selecting the correct rotameter for your application a cinch. Really.
King Instrument Company offers a wide variety of low and high flow rate rotameters based on your measurements and applications. And our highly trained and experienced technical sales representatives will be happy to help you with any questions about the best variable area flowmeter for your particular application. So whether you’re ordering for gas or liquid applications, it is easy to size the correct rotameter by answering a few simple questions listed below: