About King Instrument Company
King Instrument Company opened its doors in 1983 with one major goal: to produce the finest group of rotameters ever sold.
At the time we occupied a 1200 square foot space in a multi-tenant building. With two small manual lathes, a cut-off saw and two drill presses we began production. The product line consisted of a total of 21 model numbers. In our first year of business sales were just over $37,000.
A lot has changed over the years. We now run two shifts and utilize the most sophisticated computer controlled machinery. King Instrument Company currently calls its home a 46,000 square foot facility in Garden Grove, California. We now manufacture 95% of the 6000 meter components used in our products. These include the borosilicate glass metering tubes we call Kinglass. We operate an in-house calibration lab and perform NIST traceable calibrations (conform to ISA RP 16.6). The King product line has grown and expanded to satisfy the demands of almost any variable area flowmeter application.
We are sensitive to our customer's requirements. In fact nearly all our products were designed in response to customer need with our own exceptional quality and distinctive style.
Did we reach our original goal? You be the judge. The next time you're in the market for rotameters consider King Instrument Company. I think you'll agree there is no better time than right now to discover the advantages of the King line. After all, when it comes to flow . . . we're instrumental.

In Memory Of Our Founder Clyde King
We are sad to announce that our founder and President, Clyde King, passed away on January 14, 2023. Clyde started King Instrument Company in 1983 and had a goal to “revolutionize the flowmeter industry”. We believe he succeeded. Clyde impacted many lives along the way with his ideas, products, business sense and generosity. In addition, he was a great husband, father and friend. We will continue to produce quality products in his honor. And we will celebrate our 41st anniversary this year! When it comes to flow, we will always be instrumental.